Untitled Document




  • A player who participates in many high risk gimmick matches like Hell in a cell, TLC, Hardcore matches has a higher risk of getting injured. 

  • Players who don't follow the rules WILL get suspended...if they repeat the deed they WILL be fired. Remember we have your IP...we can block you OUT. 

  • Suspensions can take up to one week at the most. 

  • Also any player on Vacation will be placed here...

  • If any of the top wrestlers are gone for vacation for a long time they will be forced to withdraw. 


Triple H Broken Ankle Unknown
William Regal FIRED Mid-End June
Chris Jericho Expected Car Accident Still rehabilitating
Entire MOD Disappeared Still Unknown
Filthy Animals OVW Few Months
The Kat OVW About a Month

  • Email me if you have to go for a vacation

  • If you feel you have been unjustifiably suspended then email me. 

To Add yourself to the Injury list then please complete the following form.


Name of the Wrestler:
How long will you be gone for:
Describe your injury: