Roleplaying is some important stuff in this E-Fed...close to 30% of you match outcomes are decided thanks to roleplays. So its imperative you roleplay well. You need to HAVE a minimum of at least 15 lines, and every roleplay HAS to have colour in them, if not it's deleted...so don't waste your time. We also want pictures in every roleplay and things like borders, marquee's, backgrounds and music. However, IF you cannot manage all of these, it’s ok. To find out how to roleplay better, check out this link HERE to another site, which is an Improve your Rp's section.
Now I know sometimes you might just lose even though your roleplay was absolutely kick ass but that's because we think that your angle is going to be good...so for the best of your benefit you might just lose. We hope you will not email us complaining about your loss. You should just wait and see.
In Roleplays you are NOT allowed to attack other people. No backstage attacks...no nothing but talking...So if u attack anyone on stage or backstage a suspension will be handed and the rp could be deleted...so please take care on this one.
Now we have a set of Ranking systems which we follow...THIS IS IMPORTANT...each of you accordingly have been assigned the number one and number two contenders spot. While the number one Contender will feud with the champion...the number two can feud with the number one contender to become the new number one. This is the ONLY way to get yourself a championship match. Unless otherwise stated. This applies to all the Titles.
STABLES : Now I know stables are good. But we don't want to have too many stables cause that kills competition. So...this is what we are going to do...we have limited the number of stables possible to just 4-5 at anyone time. So if u want a stable but 4-5 of them have been already created u would have to wait sometime.
STABLES : Also we have limited the number of members in one stable to 6 maximum. But the 6th person HAS to be a lady. If there is no female in the group then the number of members will be just 5.
OFFICIALS : Ok this is one of the specialty of this E-Fed...the Officials page. As you can see a lot of work has gone into that. Each of the officials have something UNIQUE to offer.
Demet's page : you can go there to file complaints...any thing in particular about the site...anything official official go to DeMeT's site.
Vince McMahon : He is the CO-CEO...and another very powerful individual. You go to his place to ask questions related the way your role in the WWC is shaping up. Eg. If you didn't like the current role u are playing tell him about it. Anything related to WWC roles go to him.
Commissioner William Regal : You go here to make matches or to make a part of your own match. Its a lot of fun here. So keep checking back time and time again.
Finally Jim Ross's page : This is a kick ass page letting u into the secrets of WWC and is updated on a weekly basis. Find out the inside story here.
INTERFERE IN A MATCH AND BACK STAGE ATTACKS : If you want to interfere in a rivals match...come here...read the rules of interfering on the Interfere page though. You can be fired or suspended if you don't comply to those rules. You can Interfere twice in a week only...And only ONE back stage attack in one week...so please follow these...Interference also includes attacking property of other wrestlers like the Stone Cold truck...Takers bike etc.
Injury: Ok if you decide to leave for a period of time and will be unable to roleplay during that time then please go to the injuries and suspension page. You will possibly be injured or assigned a more trivial role. Don't worry if you are an important roleplayer your position WILL NOT be harmed...but that is if you return quickly.
The Cards and results page answer themselves.
On the History pages you can see the history of the titles concerned.
Swearing is allowed, but don't get too over the top with it.
When selecting your character, remember that you can be any wrestler from WWF, WCW or ECW. No made up wrestlers, and no wrestlers from the past.
- Anyone who RPs less than 5 lines, that RP will be deleted and the RP'er will get his/her first warning. If that offence is repeated twice, we will sack that wrestler. No questions asked?